Accueil Client projects

Client projects

T -shaped configuration

4x16 semi-floating

2x 6x16 floating

2x 8x16 floating (T -shaped configuration)

The team at Dock Industries is proud to take you step by step through the construction of your dock.
We'll advise you on the planning, design and installation of your project, big or small!

Black accessory set with ladder

6x16 semi floating

8x16 commercial

Black accessory set


L-shaped configuration with swing

4x16 semi floating

4x12 floating

6x16 commercial

8x16 commercial (L-shaped configuration)


79001 connection of 2 commercial docks

3015 corner on commercial dock

Fixed gangway

6x16 fixed gangway with handrail

2x 8x16 floating

3x 10x16 commercial floating

2x 16 feet benches


8x8 fixed

8x8 fixed

4x12 semi floating

8x16 floating

Gangway on legs

6x8 gangway

2x12 residential on legs

4x12 semi-floating

4x12 semi-floating

6x 16 floating commercial

What type of dock to choose?

Current intensity

Boat size

Does the view of the floats bother you?

Residential Commercial Heavy duty